Friday, December 30, 2011

Cards Made by me and my daughters

Here is a picture of some of the cards we made this year for Christmas to give to the people at the nursing home.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nursing Home Cards

This year, my girls and I went to a nursing home nearby and delivered hand made cards.  We made over 80 cards including Christmas, Hanukkah, and just Seasons Greetings cards to the nursing home.  We mostly just gave out the Christmas ones.  It is hard because we didn't want to offend anyone so we brought extras to make sure everyone was included.  There weren't any Jewish people there and some of the residents refused our cards but it didn't matter.  The smiles on the faces of those who loved the cards and their greetings inside was enough.  Thank God for giving to others.  We hope that the cards were a blessing to those who received them.